Folks! A few weeks ago you were alarmed by the mean and hateful (and let's be honest, generally ugly) anti-Muslim posters that went up all over the NYC subway system. We asked you to help us fight back with way more delightful ones. Now, thanks to YOU - people of the web! people with feelings!…
Guys! As of Sept. 2014, a really lame group of bigoted folks got together to post a bunch of hateful and defamatory ads about Muslims all over the New York City subway system. In response, we thought, why not post our own ads? Ads are aren’t hateful, but totally loving, hilarious, and/or ridiculous. We rang…
Peeps!Its gonna be Christmas soon, and let's not pretend that if you're a Muz, a Jew, a Buddhist, a Hindu or a Grand Noodle believer that you haven't celebrated Xmas despite your non-Christianness because you totally have! When Negin's immigrant Muz parents landed in this country, bought a plastic tree, and proceeded to hang random…
We here at THE MUSLIMS ARE COMING! were so very honored to work with some of the most badass musicians that this great nation has to offer. In the next few months we'll highlight their work. This week, want to introduce you to Nashville's own CHANNING & QUINN. This ridiculously charming duo opened the show…
Just wanted to share some good news: we just found out that our documentary won the Comedy Vanguard Audience Award at the 19th annual Austin Film festival where it premiered at last week: [Read article on The Austin Chronicle] Thanks to everyone who supported us -- we truly appreciate you! Love, Negin & Dean
Update: We totally won the Audience Award in Austin! FOLKS! Especially the fine folks of Austin! The World Premiere of The Muslims Are Coming! will be at the Austin Film Festival on Oct. 19 with an second screening on Oct. 21. We're so thrilled, nervous, worried, excited, and nervous again! But we really want you…
We here at The Muslims Are Coming! are in a mad rush to finish the moooovie! So far, the film is great, its hilarious, it packs a punch, its got people like Jon Stewart, Rachel Maddow, David Cross, Janeane Garofalo, Lewis Black and Colin Quinn, not to mention Bradford, or as we affectionately refer to…
The Muslims are Coming! is done touring (for the moment at least). We're back in NYC and we're deep in post-production on the moooovie! We here in the offices of Vaguely Qualified Productions would like to acknowledge that turning 300 hours of footage of Muslim-American comedians being ridiculous around the country into one succinct 85…
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